Sunday, December 20, 2009

Running: A Challenge during the Christmas Holiday

To say that it is a challenge to continue to run during the Christmas season at our house is a huge understatement. This is peak season at UPS for Kurt- read long, long hours. Then, it also deer hunting season. More long hours but with yummy results. We are also down to one vehicle which makes for unique challenges. How do we keep running during these impossible seasons of life?

I was thinking that as I got back from my quick, cold, but beautiful run tonight. It all starts with a reason. Why would I want to leave my nice warm house? Why would I take the effort of nursing, pottying, putting down for a napping of the baby before I leave? I have found my reason. Sounds so over-used but it really is Jesus. I love Him and He physically exerted all His humanity and divinity to rescue me. I believe He has asked me to run and be strong for Him. Strong and ready to do anything He asks. Anything.

I pray when I start each run lately. I ask that Jesus will bless each step as it is for Him. I am so thankful for the privilege of running. The strength I've gained is a gift.

I have other reasons for running also, such as overall fitness and health. I need to be able to catch my fast, sneaky children. I need the sanity that fresh air provides. My loving husband is extremely supportive. He happily sacrifices watching his favorite football games and holds napping or waking children. He wants me to run, for which I'm deeply grateful. But I know that none of those reasons are good enough when the impossible seasons come. Only One is enough for me to keep going out the door, juggling schedules, children, and loving it all.

Christmas blessings during this time...Regardless of distance, time, or speed, may you find your Reason and feel His pleasure as you run.


  1. I am so proud of my big sister! Your devotion to running for Jesus, and for your family, is strengthening and uplifting, to say the least. As one who doesn't even get to and walk, I must admit some shame and disappointment in myself. But your resolve is encouraging and hopefully, one day, I will join you (well, actually, walk behind you and cheer you on)!

  2. You know, I couldn't do this without you!
