Please learn from my mistakes. Hind sight is always 20/20 and as I train for my upcoming half-marathon in May I am remembering and learning from my mistakes from Columbus 2010. These apply to any race distance, not only a marathon. Distance just makes the mistakes more painful!
Running up High Street |
Mistake 1. The correct watch - I should have
had a watch that saved my splits. I would've realized quickly I was going too fast. Cheap Walmart watch must go!
Me and teething toddler |
So here's the summary of things I've learned:
- New Watch -with split times ran too fast b/c I didn't know and couldn't figure how fast I was actually going!
- Stay with the Pace Group.
- Drive the course! What was I thinking? I should've driven the course, then I would've know that miles 15-25 were completely uphill...and lonely, empty, disgusting miles. Can you tell I despise them? I am already planning my revenge!
- Run past 20 miles, again and again and again.
- Take more the six weeks to train, especially while nursing a toddler.
What lessons have you learned from racing or life that have helped you along your journey?
Listen to women who have learned from their mistakes. Good piece.