Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sweet Feet

Have you ever felt like you couldn't even put one foot in front of the the other? Did you ever consider simply giving up and admitting failure? Every other minute some days? Good, you can be my friend. Seriously, though, having struggled like this has made a tremendous difference in my life and considering the implications of deep struggle lately has actually helped.

When I ran the Columbus Marathon last year, I was ready to qualify for Boston. During the race, I knew I was ahead of pace and had room to spare. Then, I hit mile 15 which was up hill. And the mile after that, and then another up-grade. Notice no downhills occurred. To my horror, the entire last half of the marathon was basically low-up grades or hills. They had changed the course since the last time I had run the full marathon. I hit the wall hard and missed Boston by 5 minutes. It was still a PR by 2 minutes and I had only trained for six week (which I do not recommend).  But that vision of yet another hill has burned into my brain.

Daily life, it seems, has striking similarities. We recently moved; the difficulties were endless. Dear friends recently experienced devastating job loss. Our family has been stricken by the cancer of loved ones. At times it seems that life is all up hill.

I do not pretend to have the answers. As I run, I wrestle these out with God over mile after endless country mile. I need every one of the long miles I run to process and work out my faith in the midst of struggle. Yet, I want to offer to you, my good friend who struggles, a tiny little word...hope. On those mountains of heartache and struggle with God is a hidden treasure, peace and hope.

Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,
             who proclaim peace,
                  who bring good tidings,
                  who proclaim salvation,
           who say to Zion,
"Your God reigns!"

Blessings as you run!

PS Now that we have Internet here in the country, I am thrilled to be back to blogging! Please leave me a note or a prayer request for my prayer runs. I have many miles to do, so let the prayer requests come!

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