Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Running: Final Results of the 5K & it's NOT about racing!

Well it's always great to get the official results in - 24:22 for my first race back. I really enjoy numbers and stats. I must confess I have all my road race results in a binder. I know my PR and what I need to do to break it. More than a little obsessive, I know. And here is our racing family photo. My husband has an amazingly physically draining job right now so he opted to carry our 6 month old in our Baby K'tan carrier instead of competing. He is the true racer but is selflessly holding our little gift all bundled up and warm!
And I'm struck once again looking at the photos, that although it is about racing, it's not about racing. For the veteran runner or the newcomer to the sport, it truly is about putting one foot in front of the other.
I remember running while 9 months and two days pregnant with Ethan. I was shuffling pushing my older two in the double jogger stroller and worrying about the upcoming birth (a homebirth after a c-section). I remember all the fearful thoughts that filled my mind about the possible risks of death for myself and my son. I know exactly where I was on my running route when I decided to relentlessly choose life, to choose to trust God no matter what happened. I started to run, slowly one step at a time. The despair and fear lifted with each step. I was running - huge - uncomfortable - slow - embarrassingly, publicly, slowly running, choosing with each step to run closer to God rather than away. That day, I saw God's power to lift my fear and our ability to run to Him with trust. We can choose life, blessing rather than cursing. For me, and I know for many others, it starts one step at a time.
Blessings to you, whatever speed and way you run.....May you always run towards Jesus.

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